Saturday, September 21, 2013

Day 4.2

That man.

The woman sitting next to him with the two little kids.

She lives on the street he works on.

Why do I remember this?

Day 4

"There are words like Freedom

Sweet and wonderful to say.

On my heartstrings Freedom sings

All day. Everyday.

There are words like Liberty

That almost make me cry.

If you had known what I know

You would know why."

Langston Hughes visited me in Hell.

Friday, September 20, 2013

Day 3

Dear little lap dog.

I greatly enjoyed your company.

You have such elegant ears and a refined manner when licking your paws.

I hope you had a joyful nap.

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Day 2.2

Dear Mr. Purple Shirt:

It was so nice to see you again.

But you were wearing coral today.

Thank you for not eating your lunch with us and littering Sisyphus with napkins and forks.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Day 1.2

I enjoyed seeing so many old friends today.

Their faces were beautiful.


Day 1

I was tormented by a pigeon.

I do not understand why the filthy flying thing gets to keep its identity.

Does not seem fair that a pigeon gets a face.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Day 0

I was hoping Hades would not make an appearance today.

We seemed to be sloppy with our toe placement.

Was it just me?